Kindergarten (Pre-KG, LKG and UKG)
The preschool curriculum at Naasih involves activity based learning. We incorporate the Montessori method into our curriculum. Montessori is a student-centered approach that encourages creativity, curiosity and leads children to explore, investigate and think for themselves as they acquire skills. A Montessori environment focuses more on a student’s learning than on a teacher’s teaching.Grades 1 to 5
The curricular framework leverages activity-based thinking and skill building. At this level, we follow a curriculum based on NCERT (National Council of Education Research and Training). In Primary School, curious minds begin to investigate and question, connect and collaborate. They make fruitful discoveries in languages, math and science. Teaching and learning is experiential and focuses on skill building, in a cheerful, stimulating environment.Grades 6 to 10
From grade 6 to 10 we follow Karnataka state syllabus, The curriculum is based on connecting knowledge to life situations, learning to shift from rote method to the joyful process, enriching the curriculum beyond textbooks with co-curricular activities, softening of subject boundaries, integrated knowledge, even knowledge is to be constructed and developed by the child.